Coriolanus, Act V, Scene iii, from The American Edition of Boydell's Illustrations of the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare, By the most eminent artists of Great Britain, Vol. II

James Caldwell, English, 1739 - 1819
after Gavin Hamilton, Scottish, 1723 - 1798


original plate late 18th century; reworked and printed 1852

Engraving on paper

Plate: 19 5/16 × 25 1/16 in. (49 × 63.7 cm)

Sheet: 23 1/4 × 29 7/16 in. (59 × 74.7 cm)

Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth: Gift of Lilla Willey



Shearjashub Spooner


Place Made: England, United Kingdom, Europe


19th century

Object Name


Research Area


Not on view


Inscribed, in plate, lower margin, center: SHAKSPEARE. / Coriolanus. / ACT V. SCENE III. / Coriolanus, Aufidius, Vergilia, Volumnia, Young Marcius, Valeria, and Attendants; inscribed, in plate, lower margin, far left: Painted by G. Hamilton; numbered, in plate, lower margin, far left: 83; inscribed, in plate, lower margin, left: Vol. __________Say, my request's unjust / And spurn me back: But if it be not so, / Thou art not honest; and the gods will plague thee, / That thou restrain'st from me the duty, which / To a mother's part belongs.—He turns away. / Down ladies; let us shame him with our knees. / To his surname Coriolanus 'longs mere pride; inscribed, in plate, lower margin, right: Than pity to our prayers.—Down: An end; / This is the last:--So we will home to Rome, / And die among our neighbours.—Nay, behold us: / This boy, that cannot tell what he would have, / But kneels, and holds up hands for fellowship. / Does reason our petition with more strength / [last line faded and illegible]; inscribed, in plate, lower margin, far right: Engraved by J. Caldwell


Lilla Willey, Thefford Center, Vermont; given to present collection, 2013.

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