Past Exhibitions
Early Caricature and Self-Parody in France and England
Aggressive Art
This installation explores the culture of caricature and features five late-eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century prints, including works by James Gillray and Honoré Daumier.
Portraiture of the Roman Empire
Faces of AntiquityGrounded in an Infinite Landscape
Aerial Perspectives
The works of art in this exhibition are all abstracted depictions of landscapes from an aerial perspective, a point of view that draws us into the work through an intensified experience of the entire composition. They all share the same basic focus, evoking some geographical construct or another, and a sense of place. While they have a visually abstract quality, this does not mean that we become lost. Rather, the means through which the artists masterfully render their subjects (including line, color, light, shadow, volume, and depth) encourage us to take an active role in these works’ realization. They ground us, ironically, as we examine them from every angle, following the symphony of marks along the surface and subconsciously constructing the imagined landscape both within and beyond the edges of the frame.