Elegantly Violent

April 5 – May 25, 2025
Exploring Masculinity and Gender Expectations within Women's Sports



A Space for Dialogue 123


Elegantly Violent: Exploring Masculinity and Gender Expectations within Women's Sports highlights the subversion of Western societal expectations of women in sports. It invites viewers to analyze the gendered history of sport, its impact on female athletes, and the opinions of the spectator. A mixture of modern and contemporary works from the past 120 years addresses the relationship between masculinity and female athletes' bodies, actions, and identities.

A Space for Dialogue is a student-curated exhibition program that began in 2001. Hood Museum of Art interns create an installation drawn from the museum's permanent collection by engaging with every aspect of curation, from doing research and selecting objects, to choosing frames and a wall color, to planning a layout and writing labels and a brochure, to giving a public talk. There have been over 100 A Space for Dialogue exhibitions on a wide variety of themes.

A Space for Dialogue: Fresh Perspectives on the Permanent Collection from Dartmouth Students, founded with support from the Class of 1948, is made possible with generous endowments from the Class of 1967, Bonnie and Richard Reiss Jr. '66, and Pamela J. Joyner '79.

Exhibition Curator

Josephine (Josie) Harrison '25 (Mellon Special Project Intern)

Exhibition subject: A Space for Dialogue